2019 Nomination/ recommendation

2016 nomination

2017 & 2018 Raven Award Nominees

A Soul on a Journey


Hello! I am so glad you found me!

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I have several projects, of various lengths and subject matter on the burners now. Enough to keep me writing all year long!  


"Magic in the Snow" & "Blue Moon and Starry Skies" both placed in the 2022 Central Oklahoma Writer's "NEST" Contest. National Excellence in Story Telling


 "Blue Moon and Starry Nights", is a sweet, small-town romance built around a summer romance, secret identities, and blue moon ice cream. 


Lastly, I have signed with The Wild Rose Press for a Christmas Cookie short story called "Snickerdoodle Surprise". 


Life is a sacred journey. It's about change, growth, discovery, stretching your soul & taking risks with every step.

You are on the path where you are meant to be, shaping your life story into a tale of strength, courage, and love.


Life is a journey filled with unexpected miracles.

RONE Finalist

2021.... What a year !






RONE Runner up!

Welcome to my website. Thank you for a few moments of your time. Please use the buttons above to move around. There are handy links to take you to my blog--a fascinating place onto itself-- and to overviews of my books or odd bits and pieces you  might like.

As  the tag line says, I am a Soul on a Journey. A friend said that once to me, and it truly resonated. When it came time to create this website that seemed like the perfect motto.

I write fiction, twisting romance with assorted bits like Christian, time travel, shape shifting, mystery, and paranormal--blending any number of those ingredients into a story. Christian and time travel are my favorites--to read and to write. I also like scribbling poetry and short stories on any number of topics. My first romance novel came out in 2012 and since then I have no desire to slow down! 

So have a look, click the links, and if you are so inclined, send me a note from the contact page.

                                          Again, thank you for stopping in!